Monday, April 15, 2019

How Olympic Athletes Make A Living

Louis Kahn

#links# With its strong focus on solving real-world problems through problem-based learning, this BSc delivers world-class, industry-relevant teaching. One could ask a similar question of Brendon McCullum: in the face of 95,000 screaming Australians, should he have blocked a Mitchel Starc inswinging yorker on the fifth ball of this year's Cricket World Cup final? Logic says he probably should have. But that would have been almost incomprehensible. Like Craig Barrett, McCullum simply had to push the limits. He could never accept a victory by undermining the opposition. His tactic was to produce excellence, or as close to it as he could. If another team could something better on the day then McCullum would be the first to congratulate them.

For Bradley, this win was particularly sweet. He also won a Super Bowl in his first year at the pee-wee level, but it was a five-year wait to experience that feeling again. There were some heartbreaking endings during that span, including a controversial loss in the conference championship game three seasons ago. He was so dejected that day, but I remember his uncle being at the game and telling him that his day will come.

The evening started with a delicious three-course meal for the guests, award winners and their families, provided by Year 10 catering students. After the meal the awards ceremony commenced, which was an opportunity for CHS to celebrate the sporting success of students both inside and outside of school.

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