Thursday, January 24, 2019

50 Ways To Lose Weight Without Exercise

​​How To Lose Weight Without Exercise

4 days ago. There's a good reason you won't see many fast-food restaurants decorated in blue: it functions as an appetite suppressant. So serve up dinner on blue plates, dress in blue while you eat, and cover your table with a blue tablecloth. Conversely, avoid red, yellow, and orange in your dining areas. Studies find they encourage eating.

No. The only requirement is that your body burns more calories than it receives from foods. Eat less and your body has less calories to burn so instead looks to fat (or muscle depending on body composition etc.). Exercise and you force your body to burn more calories. Depending on how many calories you've taken in that day will decide if you lose, gain, or maintain. The big thing in favor of exercise is its ability to keep you well toned, so it's not just about calorie burning.

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